For our opening, we made a storyboard, planning out what shots we wanted, and what order they would be in. This is extremely useful as it helps to map out exactly what is required for the shoot, as well as beginning to help iron out any continuity and narrative issues. We drew the shots on different coloured post-its, which made it easier to move around shots, and differentiate between shot types. Below are examples of some of the shots we drew on the storyboard:
This is an example of a long shot that we planned, with arrows and annotations explaining what we planned in the shot. |
This is an example of a mid shot that is over the shoulder, showing Leora's reaction to the Henchman lifting his mask. We wrote explanations for each shot under each drawing. |
This is an example of a close up, showing what emotion we wanted the actors to show. |
This is a typed-up version of our storyboard, in which we have explained what we plan to do for each shot during our test shoot. Our shots were all influenced by the research we carried out beforehand, such as shot 7, where we drew inspiration from the forest chase scenes such as the scenes from Harry Potter.
Shot 1: "A Heyday Films Production" - white font on black background
Shot 2: "In association with Moving Picture Company" - white font on black background
Shot 3: Titles between trees in the forest setting - establishing shot
Shot 4: LS - Leora running through the trees
Shot 5: CU - Leora's feet running past
Shot 6: LA - Leora jumping over camera and continuing to run
Shot 7: ML - Leora running towards camera and hiding behind a tree, looking over her shoulder
Shot 8: ML OTS - focus pull to Assassin appearing and searching for Leora
Shot 9: CU OTS - Leora panicking and trying to use the device - "Come on!"
Shot 10: MS - Assassin pushing Leora into the tree
Shot 11: HA MS - Leora falls to the floor
Shot 12: LA POV - Assassin looking down at her, coming in and out of focus
Shot 13: LS - Assassin lifts Leora up and pins her against a tree
Shot 14: MS - Henchman holding her up against tree, arm on her throat - "I'm not going back"
Shot 15: OTS MS - Assassin speaking - "Hello Leora"
Shot 16: CU - Leora watching Assassin, still held up with his arm on her throat - "I never thought you'd run"
Shot 17: ML - Assassin stepping back from Leora
Shot 18: OTS - Leora asks - "Who the hell are you?" - as Assassin begins to lift mask
Shot 19: CU - Assassin taking off mask - "Who else were you expecting?"
Shot 20: ML - Assassin steps forward to grab her face
Shot 21: OTS - Assassin grabbing Leora's face - "Working for synergy hasn't done you well"
Shot 22: CU - Leora - "(witty comeback)"
Shot 23: CU - Assassins face drops, angered - "They're not going to let you live after this"
Shot 24: MS- device beeps, both looking down then back up again
Shot 25: OTS - Leora punching Assassin
Shot 26: MS - Assassin grabs his face and stumbles back, as Leora begins to run away
Shot 27: CU - Assassin fixes jaw, pulls down mask, runs toward camera
Shot 28: OTS LS - Leora running away from Assassin, both running away from camera
Shot 29: LS - both running across landscape, Future London skyline in the background
Shot 30: LS - Leora disappears (time travels) as Assassin still runs after her
Shot 31: MS - Assassin tries to grab Leora as she disappears
Shot 32: LS - Leora appearing in new landscape in front of present day London skyline
Shot 33: "Film title"